[Spambayes] 1.0a4 broken; which_database.py lost

Meyer, Tony T.A.Meyer at massey.ac.nz
Thu Aug 14 12:34:55 EDT 2003

>     1. Lack of documentation on what the .spambayesrc file should look
>        like.  An example file would be great.

FAQs 4.11 and 4.12 will probably help:

If you do:
>>> from spambayes import Options
>>> print Options.options.display()

You'll get an example based on the current values of the options
(possibly the defaults).

>  Also, if there is a way
>  (like in perl, perldoc) in python to display "man pages" or
>  something similar, the how-to on that (for Options.py and such).

The equivalent in Python is basically "print object.__doc__".  So, in
this case, "Print Options.__doc__".

>     2. Line 62 of hammiebulk.py, this line occurs:
> Either I did it wrong, or you did.  You tell me!  I just want to
> make sure this isn't giving non-techies problems.

The reason is that the original line was correct one point, but then the
format for the options changed.  There's a lot of backwards
compatibility code that should let lines like that keep working, but for
some reason it isn't.  I've checked in a fix (today) for this.

> My bet (and fear) is that I'm using dumbdb:
>             .hammiedb.bak: ASCII text
>             .hammiedb.dat: data
>             .hammiedb.dir: ASCII text

Looks like it.

> 2. Documentation on the site mentions a utility in the 
> utility dir that is called "which_database.py."  I can't find it:

This is a problem with the documentation being too up-to-date -
which_database.py appeared after the alpha4 release.  Perhaps it's
getting towards time for a new release...(we've got a long way to go to
catch up with the number of Outlook plug-in releases ;)

> I found a copy on the site, but it didn't work for me; 
> I didn't try real hard though.   I didn't want to muck with it too

Hmm.  It hasn't been widely tested, although it worked for me.  What
error does it give you?

> That's it.  Thank you for the help and the fantastic product!

You're most welcome.

=Tony Meyer

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