[Spambayes] Bug Report

Schretter Markus markus at schretter.de
Wed Aug 13 10:55:51 EDT 2003

Sorry, but after spending hours of installation I give up. It's not
possible to get SpamBayes running on my system. Maybe it's because

- I have a german version of WindowsXP and OutlookXP (10.4219.4219 SP-2)
- I have the latest Service Packs installed (Windows and Outlook)

I still get the message: "
"You must enable SpamBayes before you can delete as spam"


- SpamBayes leaves a lot of entries in the registry after uninstall.
- and the outlook menu entries for it got messed up. I can not select
the SpamBayes manager any more. The menu just doesn't open. And this
happens also after a complete uninstall, removing registry entries and
reinstall. So there are still some other configuration files left after
- I've looked under deaktivated elements but nothing found. also the
COM-AddIn Folder doesn't show your plugin.




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