[Spambayes] spambayesaddin plugin not enabled

Mark Hammond mhammond at skippinet.com.au
Mon Aug 11 09:50:22 EDT 2003

> I'm going to make a radical suggestion. The issue raised by 
> Ms Delaval arises daily in this forum, and I think it stems 
> from the fact that Spambayes is not enabled by default (since 
> you have to pick your way through the training process 
> first). Why not make the initial training optional and enable 
> Spambayes by default? You'd need to include a few sample ham 
> and spam messages to prime the process, but that's easy 
> enough. Doing it this way would retard Spambayes's ability to 
> adapt itself to the individual user, but it would catch up 
> eventually. And a user who actually bothered to read the 
> installation instructions could do it right, just like now. ;^)

Everytime this comes up, someone points out that the many clues in such a
pre-built database would be subtly different - eg, the "to" address, the
real name, the name of your ISP in the headers, etc.

However, InBoxer does exactly this - I wonder what their experiences are.

Other options would be:
* A "wizard" style interface for initial training.
* Auto-enabling SpamBayes once it is trained and configured.

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