[Spambayes] Day 1 stack trace

Richie Hindle richie at entrian.com
Wed Aug 6 21:19:31 EDT 2003

[Tomi, day one]
> the review page is broke.

[Tomi, day two]
> The review page was working today with 122 new messages to review.
> I reviewed them, submitted the results, html was output stating
> they were submitted and saved, then I got the same traceback.

You have a message in your cache for day one which is causing the error -
it's probably a malformed spam email.

The way the review page works is to list all the messages on the most
recent day for which it has messages.  When you come along on a new day,
the review page gives you the messages for just that day, and hence
doesn't hit the problem.  You train on all the messages for that day, and
it goes back to the previous day, which is where the problem lies.

Next time you go to the review page and it works (which will be the next
time you pass midnight and receive an email 8-) could you train on that
page and then zip up the pop3proxy-unknown-cache directory and email it to
me privately?  This will let me find the message that's causing the
problem, and hopefully fix the but.  *But* it will also let me read all
your emails for that day... I promise not to sell your secrets to the
Martians, but if you don't want to send me all your messages (and who
would?) then we can add some debugging code to narrow down which message
is causing the problem, but it will be a lot more work for both of us.

Alternatively, you could find the message yourself by manually moving all
the files out of that folder, then moving them back in a few at a time,
restarting pop3proxy, and seeing when it starts to go wrong again.
Tedious, but you could then just send me the offending message.

Richie Hindle
richie at entrian.com

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