[Spambayes] spamabayes mailing lists?

Skip Montanaro skip at pobox.com
Sun Aug 3 22:11:25 EDT 2003

    >> Clicking on this link on your homepage gives a 404 not found error:
    >> http://mail.python.org/mailman-21/listinfo/spambayes (as does the
    >> dev-list. in fact all of them!)

    Tony> Fixed, thanks.  (I presume that mail.python.org changed the urls,
    Tony> or that we should have been using the ones without "mailman-21"
    Tony> all along).

I suspect the mailman-21 URL was correct.  Barry migrated a bunch of lists
to Mailman 2.1 yesterday.  I imagine he made the default directory now be
/mailman/.  The few lists still running Mailman 2.0 will be migrated shortly
and can be reached at



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