[Spambayes] YAIP (Yet Another IMAP Problem)

Meyer, Tony T.A.Meyer at massey.ac.nz
Thu Apr 24 12:53:03 EDT 2003

> Well, training seems to be working, so now I've moved on to 
> classifying, with the following results:
>   File "C:\Program Files\Python22\lib\imaplib.py", line 762, in 
> _command_complete
>     raise self.error('%s command error: %s %s' % (name, typ, data))
> imaplib.error: UID command error: BAD ['Missing required argument to 
> Search header']

I think this is the same problem that David reported.  I'm not sure
exactly what is causing it.  Once thing I can suggest is that when
testing with IMAP, if you could run the imapfilter with the option "-i4"
and report the (much longer!) printout, that would be great (you can
trim out message details, including the content, which isn't of
interest).  The -i switch sets the imap debugging level - I've found 4
to be quite useful (it gives a printout of each IMAP command and

> Also, problem 2 - probably also related. Before that error, 
> imapfilter did manage to stick a couple of messages in my Spam
> folder. But, when I click on them my mailer throws up a message
> box saying "Invalid sequence in UID". I imagine this is also
> coming from the server, so it looks like it doesn't like the way
> imapfilter is rewriting the headers.

Now that's weird.  The imapfilter doesn't assign the uid's, the server
does that.  Not sure how to proceed on this one, unless the imap
debugging stuff gives a hint.

=Tony Meyer

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