[Spambayes] initial cut at website is up.

Anthony Baxter anthony@interlink.com.au
Thu, 19 Sep 2002 18:49:44 +1000

Ok, there's a first cut at a website at spambayes.sf.net - the
site's built using ht2html (I was already using it for pydns,
so it was easy enough to use it for a quick result). Plus, it
avoids the Barry-rant :)

The website itself is checked in as "website" in CVS. To make changes,
cvs co website, edit the .ht file(s), run 'make' and check it's all ok
in the local directory. 'make install' will push the change to the
web server. And of course, check in the changes. 

If you're one of those steenkin windows users <wink> I'm sure there's
an equivalent technique. 
