[Spambayes] Maybe change X-Spam-Disposition to something else...

Skip Montanaro skip@pobox.com
Fri, 6 Sep 2002 23:44:07 -0500

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    >> I actually like Neale's X-Spam-Disposition header, I just wonder if
    >> maybe we should choose something with a different prefix than
    >> "X-Spam-" so that people don't confuse it with SpamAssassin, all of
    >> whose headers begin with that prefix.

    Anthony> I think it's fine, in general, just so long as no-one checks in
    Anthony> anything that puts it into my test corpus.

I took a somewhat different approach.  Lots of stuff puts synthetic headers
in my mail.  VM has a whole series of X-VM headers.  SpamAssassin adds
X-Spam headers.  In my .procmailrc file I even add an X-SA-Host header so I
know what machine SpamAssassin was run on.  Any or all of those could
provide spurious clues to hammie.

Accordingly, I wrote unheader.py, which is mostly a ripoff of something
someone else posted to python-dev or c.l.py within the last week or so to
strip out SA-generated headers.  Before checking a mailbox, I run unheader
over it like so:

    unheader python > python.clean

then run hammie on the result to produce python.check.  That then gets

A copy is attached.  It could easily be extended to zap arbitrary header
re's, but I haven't needed that so far.


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