[Spambayes] Deployment

Skip Montanaro skip@pobox.com
Fri, 6 Sep 2002 10:01:51 -0500

    Guido> Takers?  How is ESR's bogofilter packaged?  SpamAssassin?  The
    Guido> Perl Bayes filter advertised on slashdot?

Dunno about the other tools, but SpamAssassin is a breeze to incorporate
into a procmail environment.  Lots of people use it in many other ways.  For
performance reasons, many people run a spamd process and then invoke a small
C program called spamc which shoots the message over to spamd and passes the
result back out.  I think spambayes in incremental mode is probably fast
enough to not require such tricks (though I would consider changing the
pickle to an anydbm file).

Basic procmail usage goes something like this:

    | spamassassin -P

    * ^X-Spam-Status: Yes

Which just says, "Run spamassassin -P reinjecting its output into the
processing stream.  If the resulting mail has a header which begins
"X-Spam-Status: Yes", toss it into the folder indicated by the variable

SpamAssassin also adds other headers as well, which give you more detail
about how its tests fared.  I'd like to see spambayes operate in at least
this way: do its thing then return a message to stdout with a modified set
of headers which further processing downstream can key on.
