[Spambayes] Slice o' life

Rob W.W. Hooft rob@hooft.net
Wed Oct 16 11:51:55 2002

Tim Peters wrote:
> It turns out that python.org, Mailman, and SpamAssassin, put sooooooooo many
> unique "Hey, I had my fingers this!" clues in the headers that virtually any
> message coming thru python.org has a relatively huge collection of
> killer-strong ham clues (just listing headers containing such clues):

Correlations, correlations, correlations. It all boils down to 
correlations. Not the fact that there are correlations, but that they 
are very, very different from one clue to the next. All these mailman 
clues are correlated. And by not downweighting them, we're blinding the 
procedure to the other clues that do not come by the dozens...


Rob W.W. Hooft  ||  rob@hooft.net  ||  http://www.hooft.net/people/rob/