[Spambayes] CL2 results

Tim Peters tim@zope.com
Mon, 7 Oct 2002 20:47:01 -0400

[Skip Montanaro]
> Well, even empty messages will have headers.  Sounds like Brad's
> files were truly zero-length, that is, not really mail messages.

Yup, and they should come out with "a score" of 0.5 then.  Judging a msg
from the headers alone (with an empty body) seems too much a crapshoot,

> (I suspect this response is kind of late for this thread.  I'm
> still working through mail problems on my new computer, so this will
> also serve as a test to see if it makes it out and back...)

I can testify it made it one way <wink>.  BTW, I don't think it's ever too
late for a response.  There's been an unreal amount of traffic on this list.
I see I still have 134 msgs here I intended to reply to, and God only knows
if I'll ever get to a fraction of them.  So if someone feels a good point
has been lost in the shuffle, pleae bring it up again.