[Spambayes] Re: For the bold

Paul Svensson paul-bayes@svensson.org
Sat, 5 Oct 2002 05:58:34 -0400 (EDT)

On Fri, 4 Oct 2002, Brian Haskin wrote:

>> Subject: Wiadomość została dostarczona
>It's known < known > zosta supplied
>> Content-Length: 129
>> Twoja Wiadomość została dostarczona !
>It's known < known > your supplied zosta!
>>  Zostanie jednak przeczytana 12 sierpnia.
>However, it will be read 12 august.
>>  Do tego czasu korzystam z wypoczynku.
>I use with refreshment for this time.
>> ""
>> I have no idea -- do you?  I really despise the presumption that non-English
>> msgs are spam, BTW.
>Anyone have an idea what zosta is? or know someone that can actually
>read polish?

Machine translation has ways to go.
A translator colleague at http://www.proz.com gave me:

zosta'a = has been delivered
"Your message has been delivered, however, it will be read on August 12.
I enjoy my holiday until then."
