[Spambayes] Guidance re pickles versus DB for Outlook

Moore, Paul Paul.Moore@atosorigin.com
Wed Nov 27 13:56:48 2002

From: Tim Stone - Four Stones Expressions
> Ya, good thinking.  It's a 350K binary, probably not a good candidate
> for cvs. Being a neophyte to sf, I'll do some learning about the sf
> files area.  Where do you suggest I start?

To be honest, I'm not sure. As I said, I'm not a SF developer for
anything, and a brief look couldn't find anything useful on SF.

Actually, going via www.python.org, and looking at the "Python Project"
link in the left hand sidebar, I ended up finding
http://sfdocs.sourceforge.net/. That looks like a useful place to start

Hope this helps,

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