[Spambayes] Re: Guidance re pickles versus DB for Outlook

Neale Pickett neale@woozle.org
Tue Nov 26 21:24:02 2002

So then, Tim Stone - Four Stones Expressions <tim@fourstonesExpressions.com> is all like:

> >I couldn't agree more.  I found myself wishing we had some when I was
> >making all the changes.  The only code that has something approaching
> >a test is the pop3proxy.  I'll bring that up on the list.
> Awwww... that's not quite right... FileCorpus has a fairly large test
> harness that exercises just about everything in that side of the
> universe...  - TimS

Sorry Tim, I meant "the only code I was working with", not "the only
code".  The FileCorpus does indeed have a nice looking unit test.

I also didn't realize I was mailing the whole list.  I'm losing it.

So, shall we create a new directory for unit tests?  I imagine there's a
lot of stuff to test, there being close to 100 .py files in the project
now.  A test/test.py should be able to run every test we write, yes?

I've only scratched the surface of the built-in unittest module, so if
someone has a lot of experience with that maybe they could offer up a
suggestion as to how best to structure a unit test.


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