[Spambayes] If this doesn't motivate us...

John D. lists@webcrunchers.com
Sat Nov 23 00:45:57 2002

Tim writes:


It quotes "Police promptly raided the business and confiscated Ralsky's servers. Although they were returned a few days later, Ralsky now tries to cover his tracks better, so opponents won't know what companies and servers he's using".

I didn't know it was possible to forge the IP address.   I would be most interested in seeing how that's done.

Just so you know,  my contact in China and I have been very influencial in getting his Chinese servers shut down.   I have a reliable contact in China who I call upon that "opens a lot of doors" that no American can do from here.

He then translates things in Chinese for me,  then makes phone calls to the internet providers,   and speaks to them in Chinese terms.

It turns out the Chinese are getting sick of this,  and are soon planning to crack down on Foreign spammers using their networks within China...


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