[Spambayes] Outlook weirdness

Moore, Paul Paul.Moore@atosorigin.com
Wed Nov 20 13:15:50 2002

From: Sean True [mailto:seant@iname.com]
> I have a pretty persistent Outlook shutdown problem. I have a
> 6K Spam, 7K Ham training set, and an Outlook that commonly uses
> 40-50MB of memory. Often when I close Outlook, it will stay in
> memory. (Leaving an icon in the task bar, too). When I "restart" it,
> meaning, I think, restart the UI, I get no Spam manager icons, even
> though the addin is still running cheerfully and filtering.

Outlook has two exit options "Exit" and "Exit and log off". I've never
quite understood the difference, but I wonder if what you're seeing is
related - Outlook finishing, closing down the UI, but then remaining
for ages in the background while the addin saves the pickles and
tidies up. This would also tie in with the high memory footprint, as
the pickle method keeps the database in memory.

Would it be worth trying the DBM format for the database? I think
this would give faster startup/shutdown times, and lower memory
consumption, at the expense of on-disk database size and slower
filtering (although I doubt that this difference would be an issue).

Unfortunately, the addin doesn't hook into the main code's persistence
structure (as far as I can see) so switching formats isn't as simple
as just changing the INI file. I'll look into it and give it a try at
some point.


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