[Spambayes] Hammiefilter doesn't write out the pickle

Neale Pickett neale@woozle.org
Mon Nov 18 18:44:18 2002

So then, Richie Hindle <richie@entrian.com> is all like:

> Richie thinks this is a bad move.  Here's a minor rant I sent to Tim Stone
> when he did exactly this in his Bayes module:

Neale thinks Richie makes some good points here.

My original reason for wanting to have the DB flush itself on deletion
was something to do with exceptions while training large corpora.  I
think it's time for that hack to go now.  There's nothing wrong with
explicitly calling store() on shutdown, as you say, it's cleaner and
more predictable.  So let's agree to do that.  Rather, I'll cave to
what's right and modify my dodgy code to do what yours is already doing

I think it may finally be time to give hammie a big makeover--it should
just provide the Hammie class, and not be executable.  I'll ponder this
and post a big diff to see what you all think.


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