[Spambayes] Exchange integration

T. Alexander Popiel popiel@wolfskeep.com
Mon Nov 11 14:55:11 2002

In message:  <3DCF67F7.16091.91EB9C8@localhost>
             "Brad Clements" <bkc@murkworks.com> writes:
>Finally, why does MS make it so hard to find the info you want? 

A bit off topic ;-), but they just have a _LOT_ of information,
much of it written by people trained to dumb-down the tech so
that it's acceptable to the masses.  The good stuff (for techies
like us) is drowned out in a sea of end-user docs, and the
indexing tools don't know how to rate the stuff by technical

MS isn't _trying_ to make stuff hard to find... it's just that
by trying to make it accessible for _everyone_, they make it
difficult for anyone to find stuff at an appropriate level.

- Alex (not normally an MS apologist...)

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