[Spambayes] More mildly clever spam

Tim Peters tim.one@comcast.net
Tue Nov 5 17:04:54 2002

>> I say "lucky" instead of clever here because tim_one@msn.com was
>> just one of 22 tim_xyz@msn.com addresses in the To and Cc lines.

[Brad Clements]
> Is the tokenizer still not parsing/counting recipients?

It is counting To and Cc recipients now, and the spam in question did get
two strikes against it for "fat" recipient lists.  It probably wouldn't have
helped to tokenize the recipients.

>> What's amazing me now is how very few spam I get that try to
>> play tricks at all!

> Someone, somewhere will put this into an automated spam tool, just wait.

It looked automated to me already.  It's another case where, if we weren't
throwing HTML tags away, the classifier would pick up on the HTML tricks
(like size=1 and color=white) by itself.  If it becomes a popular dodge, not
blinding the classifier to those would help; and/or the tokenizer could try
to figure which text "is invisible", and not let the classifier see that
stuff.  It's like this trick was deep <wink>.

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