[spambayes-dev] ImportError: No module named spambayes.resources (line 12 of setup_all.py)

Mark Hammond skippy.hammond at gmail.com
Thu Aug 25 00:02:38 EDT 2022

It looks like that's telling you Outlook 2000 isn't installed, which is 
probably expected.

See also 

But that's probably out of date too - you probably need to find the 
GUIDs in the registry editor under 
Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\TypeLib, or in Pythonwin's 
"com browser".

(Sadly I don't have office or outlook installed here, so can't tell you 
exactly what you need)


On 25/08/2022 1:48 pm, Erik M. Brown via spambayes-dev wrote:
> Thank you all for the quick replys!  So I'm not a dev, more of a power user, and I just added the python folder and script folder to the windows path.  I then ran it in a CMD prompt, python setup_all.py, and it actually found the resources it needed.   However, it ended up throwing a wild error:
> ImportError: No module named 00062FFF-0000-C000-000000000046x0x9x0
> LOL!  BTW Matthew, what do you mean by copy the files?  Do you mean the source files and you manually install the com addin?
> Please let me know what you mean. = )
> Take care,
> Erik Brown
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Matthew Dixon Cowles [mailto:matt at mondoinfo.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2022 7:37 PM
> To: Erik M. Brown
> Cc: spambayes-dev at python.org
> Subject: Re: [spambayes-dev] ImportError: No module named spambayes.resources (line 12 of setup_all.py)
> Eric,
>> Not sure if anyone is still reading this,
> I am. And I still use SpamBayes every day.
>> but I'm running into an error when attempting to run "setup_all.py",
>> the py2exe setup script, I get the following:
>> ImportError: No module named spambayes.resources (line 12 of
>> setup_all.py)
> But I don't install it that way. I just copy the files.
>> I'm able to run Spambayes from these source files in Outlook and have
>> the correct python version, pywin32, as well as py2exe.
> Here are a couple of things I'd check:
> Are you sure that you're using a version of Python that's contemporaneous with the packaging?
> You should be able to find the version of spambayes that setup_all.py is trying to use. Does it in fact have a directory called resources?
> Or is it possible that it's finding a directory called spambayes that's not what you want it to find?
> Regards,
> Matt
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