[spambayes-dev] SpamBayes Config Question

George Marshall georgemarshallpro at gmail.com
Tue Oct 13 05:51:27 CEST 2009

Hello SpamBayes,

Thank you for your wonderful product.

I am not a SpamBayes developer, and I didn't see this addressed in the
SpamBayes online FAQ. In the FAQ, you write "If you really need
whitelisting, consider implementing rules in your mailer to intercept the
messages before they're passed to SpamBayes." How do I configure SpamBayes
to look at mail AFTER my Outlook 2003 rules regarding content (headers,
Subject, From, body) are applied? Right now, I believe it's SpamBayes that
is allowing mail that meets certain criteria to be placed in my Junk E-mail
folder, rather than allowing Outlook's rules to delete them.


George Marshall
georgemarshallpro at gmail.com
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