[spambayes-dev] Big old checkin - Hello Python 2.4, Goodbye Python 2.[23]

Mark Hammond skippy.hammond at gmail.com
Thu Feb 19 14:38:23 CET 2009

On 27/01/2009 10:32 PM, skip at pobox.com wrote:
> If you have a chance (even just a few minutes) and are comfortable with
> running or at least testing SpamBayes from Subversion it would help if you
> could svn up and try the current state of affairs.  You *will* need Python
> 2.4 or later.  I run routinely with Python 2.7a0.

So assuming we get a new build out, what should we go for?  I'd vote 2.5 
(2.6 is still a little suspect on windows WRT the msvcrt binaries...) - 
which assumes there is no demand for a 64bit version on Windows, in 
which case it *must* be 2.6 - but I'm happy to say I've seen no evidence 
of such a demand...


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