[spambayes-dev] translation spambayes outlook plugin to czech

michal zobec michal at zobec.cz
Thu Apr 30 16:21:49 CEST 2009



I have interest for translating SpamBayes to czech language - especially
SpamBayes for Microsoft Outlook 2003/2007. If you have interest its possibly
translating SpamBayes to czech with installation (I using and translating
Inno setup installer - www.innosetup.cz).


Thanks for your respond.




s přátelským pozdravem | best regards
michal zobec

[ kontakt | contact ]


michal at zobec.cz


 <http://www.lightninggroup.org/> www.lightninggroup.org (czech and english)


 <http://www.zobec.cz> www.zobec.cz (czech only)



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