[spambayes-dev] milter implementation of spambayes

Amedee Van Gasse amedee at amedee.be
Sat Sep 27 12:01:54 CEST 2008

T. Alexander Popiel schreef:
> In message:  <4277. at intrepid.warp.be>
>              "Amedee Van Gasse" <amedee at amedee.be> writes:
>> I'm wondering if it is possble to create a milter implementation of
>> spambayes.
> It's possible, but not particularly useful.  Sure, you could tell a
> well-behaved sender that you're rejecting the message, but spammers
> are not well-behaved senders.  In typical spammer setups, immediately
> after the entire message body has been sent, the sender closes the
> connection without waiting for a response.  Spambayes needs the entire
> message body for scoring, so by the time a spambayes score is available,
> the spammer no longer cares, and has moved on.
> At most, you'd be informing well-intentioned senders of false-positives
> that their messages were rejected... and they could at that point try
> to resend through alternate means.  However, in my experience, the
> senders who would benefit from such are the same senders who tend to
> resend anyway, when they don't get the expected reply to the message.
> Where things like milter really help is when you can reject simply
> based on some combination or subset of sender IP, sender's claimed
> from address, and recipient address.  If you can form a decision just
> based on those three things, then you can reject before the body is
> sent (while the spammers are still listening).  In lieu of rejection,
> you can also do fun things like tarpitting the connection, giving them
> a transient failure (ala greylisting), or similar manipulations.
> Unfortunately, I don't know any of the actual mechanics of milter,
> so I wouldn't be a good source of implementation cluebats.
> - Alex
Hello Alex,

Thank you for your reply.
Yes I know that it isn't particulary useful except for the very few
false positives.
But what bothers me, is that currently I have no idea at all how many
spam I get. I have set up munin to show me the postfix rejections but
spambayes-spam of course doesn't show up in those stats.
If you know another way to inject spambayes-spam back into the postfix
logs and statistics, I'd be much obliged.


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