[spambayes-dev] spoof detector

David Abrahams dave at boost-consulting.com
Mon Jul 9 15:53:05 CEST 2007

on Mon Jul 09 2007, skip-AT-pobox.com wrote:

>     Dave> I did eventually find the lookup_ip_cache option, but frankly the
>     Dave> results are disappointing.  I would have expected one slow round
>     Dave> in my train-to-exhaustion regime and then all following rounds to
>     Dave> go very quickly, but that doesn't appear to be the case.
> It flies for me after the initial run.
>     Dave> Aha!  spambayes is relying on atexit to close the cache and write
>     Dave> it out to disk, and tte obviously goes many rounds without doing
>     Dave> that.
> It should still have its cache in memory before exiting.  Only the first
> round should be slow.  How many messages are you training on?  (I have about
> 250 messages total at the moment.)

I have about 850.  It's possible that the cache is getting pruned, but
I actually upped those numbers so it would be less likely.

It's still quite slow.

>     Dave> Problem is, my ssh connection to the server always drops before
>     Dave> training completes, and I'm not sure why (my ssh connections seem
>     Dave> to time out).
> Do you have access to screen(1)?  That should help you retain sessions for
> long periods of time if you're suffering from timeouts.  It's in /usr/bin on
> my Mac.  I imagine it's avaialble available on most Linux boxes.

I have it or can get it.

How would I use it in this case?  Do I run screen on the local machine
or on the server?

Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting

The Astoria Seminar ==> http://www.astoriaseminar.com

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