[spambayes-dev] FW: [Jocr-devels] redistribute gocr binaries?

Mark Hammond mhammond at skippinet.com.au
Tue Feb 27 11:14:25 CET 2007

>     Mark> On a bit of a whim, I mailed the jocr-devels list
>     Mark> to try and get informal approval for distributing
>     Mark> their windows binary with spambayes.

> No objections.  I went through the same procedure with ocrad.
> Might as well be thorough.

Yeah - I stumbled across your mail to the ocrad -devel list a while ago - it
inspired my similar mail to gocr :)

My next proposition is that we enable this OCR support by default, and
enable gocr as the default OCR engine - how does that sound?  If OK, should
we do that by promoting the relevant 'X-' options to 'official' options, or
just change the default values for the options as implemented?


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