[spambayes-dev] WG: false positive

Wilhelm Klenner wk at klenner.at
Mon Apr 16 23:30:33 CEST 2007

Sorry, I could not attach a 112k Mail, seems like it is too big to fit
thru our 12MBit flat lines :-O

Can someone give me a hint anyway?


Kind regards, WiKl


Von: Wilhelm Klenner 
Gesendet: Montag, 16. April 2007 21:00
Betreff: false positive




i've been using spambayes for ages without any problems. Now I have a
server running that delivers me voicemails and unanswered calls from my
telephone system. Even afer marking ~ 20 of this mails as ham and doing
some extra training on a folder containing only those messages, they
keep on getting marked as possible spam.


Can you please give me a hint what screw I have to turn to get all mails
from this sender? I attached a sample of these mails.


Thanks a lot,


Wilhelm K.



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