[spambayes-dev] [Spambayes] Unwanted stock solicitations

Luigi Pugnetti pl at symbolic.it
Mon Nov 6 08:46:28 CET 2006

moved to spambayes-dev as requested by some people.

as a note the first part of the message is referring to a mail from Vibe

On Sun, 2006-11-05 at 13:12 -0600, skip at pobox.com wrote:
> Okay, I'm finally actually editing the necessary files.
>     2> is supported by WinNT, 2k and XP I just newer saw it used before.
>     2> is not supported in Win9x and ME.
> I don't think we care about Win9x or WinME (though someone should feel free
> to demonstrate my ignorance here).
>     >> However /dev/null is - of course - not found in Windows. Equivalent
>     >> is nul (case insensitive).  Better use os.path.devnull like shown
>     >> here. Parenthesis required for string formatting!
> Correct.  Will be checked in shortly.
>     Luigi> On windows you have to put quote around pnmfile to protect
>     Luigi> against space in path ...
> Not a problem here, since the pnmfile is named using the tempfile.mkstemp
> function.  It won't contain any characters which require special treatment.

as long as python returns a short path you have no problem otherwise you
could get a path with a space (like c:\Document and Settings\...).
It's could be required also on Linux (but as already said it's unlikely
you get a path that requires quote there).
Putting quotes around pnmfile does no harm and may protect you from
unusual setup

>     >> Finally I was surprised to find that
>     >> 
>     >> ocrad -s4 -x out.txt >ocr.txt logo.pgm
>     >> 
>     >> did produce an ocr.txt but no out.txt for this image
>     >> http://www.unlockaarhus.dk/dev/logo.pgm.
>     >> 
>     >> Maybe it's only a problem with small images? Could you please test if
>     >> this is the case under Unix as well?
>     Luigi> using -s (and other flags as well) disable -x.
> Hmmm...  That sucks.  I see the lines in ocrad's code where that happens.  I
> mailed a note to bug-ocrad asking why this is so.  Hopefully it's just a
> simple bug that can be squashed.
>     Luigi> orf file is never used. probably is there from the start before
>     Luigi> skip introduce the scale parameter
> Actually, yes, it is used:

yes this was a "language" problem.  what I meant was you get no info
because it's always empty.
sorry for the error.

>     for line in open(orf):
>         if line.startswith("lines"):
>             nlines = int(line.split()[1])
>             if nlines:
>                 ctokens.add("image-text-lines:%d" %
>                             int(log2(nlines)))
> so no image-text-lines:NN tokens are generated.
> Skip
Luigi Pugnetti

Symbolic S.p.A.
V.le Mentana, 29
I-43100 Parma

Tel: +39 0521 708811
Fax: +39 0521 776190

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