[spambayes-dev] New urls

Matthew Dixon Cowles matt at mondoinfo.com
Sat May 6 21:50:22 CEST 2006

> I'm still fiddling around with these spams that have a bunch of 
> one-letter
> words hiding drugs for sale:
>     V k I p A m G i R u A v
>     V j A v L s I t U w M g
>     X g A f N a A f X q
>     C x I e A a L g I c S l
> followed by a url:
>     http://www.prouceteir.com
> followed by some presumably benign text:

It took some training for me before my SpamBayes started to recognize
those reliably, but it seems that my old hack to tokenize URL's IPs

Spambayes spam score 0.998 for message "Re: your VtAGRiA"
Spambayes clues: 0.000 *H*, 0.997 *S*
[. . .]
0.845 url-ip:
0.845 url-ip:222.52.1/24
0.845 url-ip:222.52/16
[. . .]
0.976 url-ip:222/8

Excellent arguments about why doing that is a bad idea have been
made, but it seems to work for me.


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