[spambayes-dev] Messages don't move (even if I change the folder)

Robert Mezzone robert.mezzone at pjsolomon.com
Sat Jul 29 23:41:12 CEST 2006

Did you check disabled items. In Outlook, Help, About Outlook, Disabled Items. HTH.

-----Original Message-----
From: spambayes-dev-bounces at python.org <spambayes-dev-bounces at python.org>
To: spambayes-dev at python.org <spambayes-dev at python.org>
Sent: Sat Jul 29 13:37:22 2006
Subject: [spambayes-dev] Messages don't move (even if I change the folder)

Messages don't move (even if I change the outlook folder). I have tried to uninstall and reinstall SpamBayes, it don’t help. I use Outlook 2003, SP 2. I have a feeling that SpamBayes has been outsmarted by some e-mails, that in some way deactivate the program. 


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