[spambayes-dev] [Feature request] Reclassify Cache option in web interface

Tony Meyer tameyer at ihug.co.nz
Mon Jan 2 23:58:35 CET 2006

> I've just installed the SpamBayes POP3 service with Eudora 5.2 and
> I'm attempting to use Skip's Recursive Training Set Selection
> Algorithm to ramp up its effectiveness. I've trained on about 14
> messages now, and I think it's time to reclassify some messages.
> That's why I think a handy tool in the web interface would be a
> "reclassify all" button on the cache review page. That would allow me
> to test the current training and start the next iteration by
> correcting the classifier's biggest mistakes.

The best place for suggestions/feature requests is the sourceforge  
page (they are called "RFE"s there): <http://sf.net/projects/ 
spambayes>.  Suggestions on the list are likely to be lost, whereas  
opening a tracker on sourceforge ensures that it stays around until  
it's either done or a decision is made not to do it.

FWIW, this seems like a reasonable request to me, and one that  
wouldn't be overly difficult to implement.


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