[spambayes-dev] Non-deleteable Spam Folder

Randy McDermott randy at prengineering.com
Mon Apr 17 22:33:57 CEST 2006



I've been using Spambayes for about 2 years. Congratulations to your Design


My only problem is that I keep deleting either my Spam folder or Spam
Suspects folder.


I downloaded and installed <cough> Microsoft Spamfighter which puts a "Junk"
folder (which can't be deleted) under Personal Folders. Spamfighter was then
disabled and Spambayes was pointed to the Junk folder.


The result is that Spambayes is working and I can no longer delete the
folder and can also right-click and choose "Empty Junk Email Folder".


Do you know of a way I can have the same functionality for my Spam Suspects


Thanks for a great FREE product,


Randy McDermott


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