[spambayes-dev] 2 Types of Spam

Mike and Lynn Horrocks mike at horrocky.com
Wed Sep 28 23:46:39 CEST 2005

One feature that seems to be missing from Spambayes  - and other spam
checkers is the ability to distinguish & then sort unwanted spam from wanted
spam. Unwanted being the stuff I know I never want to look at eg Viagra
adverts, Cheap USA mortgage offers,  Nigerian business opportunities etc
etc. Wanted spam is the stuff I do check from time to time eg Lastminute.com
offers, Misco catalogues etc.

Any chance of offering such a facility. It would seem that you have all the
basic tools to make it happen.


Phone (Home): 01670 715719
Phone (Mobile): 0789 115 3817
E-Mail: mike at horrocky.com
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