[spambayes-dev] Re: Is building with Python 2.4 and not Python 2.3 a bugfix?

Tony Meyer ta-meyer at ihug.co.nz
Tue Mar 22 23:22:22 CET 2005

[Tony Meyer, back in November]
>> There are various reasons why building the binary with Python 2.4 would
>> better than with Python 2.3, but the important one is that Python 2.4 has
>> email 3.0.
>> However, 1.0.2 is only for bugfixes, not for new features.
>> So my question is: is building with the newer Python valid for a bugfix
>> release?

[Tim Peters]
> There's a small chance that 2.4 will introduce a relevant bug, and
> then the decision to use it would look imprudent.  In that case you'll
> be blamed.  But if all it does is improve email handling, nobody will
> praise you.  So there's the moral dilemma:  you can improve peoples'
> lives, or cover your ass.  Since it's not my ass, I vote you expose
> it <wink>.

Of course, using 2.4 resulted in (at least) three bugs (not having
mscvr71.dll, modulefinder problem with bsddb, and the most annoying one with
asyncore using up all of people's disk space).  As Pratchett would say,
those million-to-one chances do seem to crop up nine times out of ten...

Anyway, while the first two problems were fixed for 1.0.3, the last one is
still a major problem, and I'm sick of dealing with it.  I'm going to do a
1.0.4 before Easter (and then run away over the holiday period so that
no-one can find me <wink>) that includes the fix for that *and* is built
with Python 2.3.  People can have their X-SpamBayes-Exceptions back!

So if anyone has any other bug fixes they'd like to see in 1.0.4, please
commit them ASAP or let me know so I can hold off the build.

I'd like to get 1.1a1 (*with* Python 2.4) done tomorrow too, but might not
have a chance, in which case I'll get to it next week.  There'll definitely
be a 1.1a2, so there's not a huge hurry to get things into this release.

Any objections?


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