[spambayes-dev] BSDDB version issues (was 1.0.2 and 1.1a1)

Kenny Pitt kenny.pitt at gmail.com
Thu Mar 17 14:35:24 CET 2005

Hernan Martinez Foffani wrote:
> Hope you don't mind (I don't know if you already knew if or applies)
> but are you aware that the Subversion core dev team currently advise
> against the use of bsddb 4.1 versions?  They recomend either 4.0 or
> 4.2. http://www.subversion.org/faq.html#bdb41-tabletype-bug
> In Python 2.3.4 (that's what I've got installed):
>   >>> import bsddb
>   >>> bsddb._db.version()
>   (4, 1, 25)
>   >>> bsddb._db.DB_VERSION_STRING
>   'Sleepycat Software: Berkeley DB 4.1.25: (December 19, 2002)'
>   >>>

I'm afraid I've been a bit scarce lately.  Things are rather hectic right
now in the world of paid software development, and probably will be until at
least mid-year.

I just got around to checking this in Python 2.4:

  >>> import bsddb
  >>> bsddb._db.version()
  (4, 2, 52)
  >>> bsddb._db.DB_VERSION_STRING
  'Sleepycat Software: Berkeley DB 4.2.52: (December  3, 2003)'

Now that the binary installer is being built with Python 2.4, it will be
interesting to see if reports of the "run recovery" problem decrease.

Kenny Pitt

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