[spambayes-dev] Good Morning

Hargens, Becky BHARGENS at nordco.com
Wed Jul 6 18:47:35 CEST 2005

I was on your website FAQ page and couldn't find an answer to several questions:

1.	How do you get Spambayes to accept all those in your contact lists as "good", not as "suspect" spam without clicking on one suspect spam at a time?  After installing the software, I discovered email I received from people at work was going into the suspect folder.  I would have thought the program, during it's initial training phase, would have gone through all the address/contact lists and set those as "good".  It didn't, and it's a pain to train each one.
2.	I have been trying over and over to train the software to accept an email address as good (ie., not suspect spam).  I was clicking on "recover from spam", assuming this was what was telling the program that the email addy was ok.  Apparently it isn't.  Any suggestions?

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