[spambayes-dev] sb_mailsort.py status

Joerg Lenneis lenneis at wu-wien.ac.at
Mon Jan 10 19:20:30 CET 2005

Dear all,

I have only last week started to use Spambayes and I am very impressed
so far. This is my first attempt at spam filtering. I finally gave up,
my mail address has been around and used for ages, so without
filtering I get an insane amount of spam. I feared a not insignificant
number of false positives, but so far things have worked very well,
with no message classified as a false positive.

I use sb_mailsort.py for training and filtering (use a CDB database
for probabilities, sort into one of two Maildirs depending on wether a
message is above the spam threshhold or not) because it gives me a
failproof way of updating the probabilities and delivery of mails,
even over NFS. I am not concerened about the additional overhead that
the database is reconstructed from scratch on every training session.

I have noticed from CVS that sb_mailsort.py is somewhat dated now,
with the last update about 5 months ago. There are a couple of things
that might be useful, like being able to set the spam threshhold via
the command line. The Maildir algorithm could also be adapted somewhat
to conform more closely to the specification. 

Are patches to do this welcome here, or alternatively, is the original
author still interested to continue work on sb_mailsort.py?

best regards,


Joerg Lenneis

email: lenneis at wu-wien.ac.at

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