[spambayes-dev] 1.0 Build Testing (please!)

Kenny Pitt kennypitt at hotmail.com
Wed Sep 22 16:32:37 CEST 2004

Tony Meyer wrote:
> [Richie]
>> That's why I keep a clean machine in VMWare.
> I'm not familiar with VMWare.  Is it the stuff at www.vmware.com?
>> It's not cheap (even when you're paying in UK pounds 8-) but it pays
>> for itself in saved time by preventing this kind of thing from
>> happening.
> I probably can't justify it, sadly, since SpamBayes is really my only
> use case.  It's pretty rare that I create anything else that needs to
> be used outside of my own systems.  

I gather that a lot of your non-SpamBayes work is also in Python (wish I had
that luxury! <wink>) so you may not have need for an MSDN subscription
either.  But if you do, the MSDN Universal subscription includes a product
called Virtual PC that is very similar to VMWare.  They each have their pros
and cons, but pretty much the same basic functionality.

Kenny Pitt

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