[spambayes-dev] State of I18N

Hernan Martinez Foffani hernan at orgmf.com.ar
Fri Oct 22 11:05:56 CEST 2004

>> Let's suppose that rcparser can detect the resource
>> code_page.  A translator could draw the dialogs with their
>> captions and labels in a resource editor of her choice.  If
>> this editor writes the correct code_page in the new dialogs.rc
>> file the parser could pick up the pragma and decode the strings
>> accordingly.  The next step, dumping the dict to a .py by rc2py,
>> would need to mark that .py with the corresponding encoding
>> declaration or dump it in utf-8.  During runtime SB would
>> import such .py with the correct encoding.
>> ...
> My posts are a bit confusing, sorry.  If rcparser.py supports
> code_page pragma, I think your approach will work.

I'll schedule adding support for code_page as a task for myself.

Thanks for your second opinion, Nezumi.


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