[spambayes-dev] button ideas (oh boy)

Mark Hammond mhammond at skippinet.com.au
Thu May 13 05:57:04 EDT 2004

My main questions is why you aren't trusting SpamBayes? <wink>  If spambayes
is correctly classifying these messages, what makes you believe you should
train on them?

I'd like a little evidence that this would help future classification.
While it may be intuitive to you, Uncle Timmy has made way too many comments
about ignoring that intuition to ignore :)


> -----Original Message-----
> From: spambayes-dev-bounces+mhammond=keypoint.com.au at python.org
> [mailto:spambayes-dev-bounces+mhammond=keypoint.com.au at python.org]On
> Behalf Of Seth Goodman
> Sent: Wednesday, 12 May 2004 12:13 PM
> To: SpamBayes-dev Forum
> Subject: [spambayes-dev] button ideas (oh boy)
> Using the Outlook plug-in for regimes other than mistake
> based training for
> a while now, I think there are two places where a second
> button would make
> things a lot simpler.  These other training strategies all
> involve training
> on some messages that are already correctly classified.  This
> is currently
> not very easy with the plug-in and I suspect that it
> discourages some people
> from experimenting with different training regimes.  I have
> been told that
> everyone is born knowing how to program in Python.  I haven't
> tested that,
> probably because I couldn't handle failing at something I was
> born knowing
> how to do.
> Here is specifically what I am proposing, and the names of
> the buttons are
> completely up for grabs.
> 1) In the Inbox (and other watched ham folders), there could
> be a second
> button for "Train As Good" for messages that have scores too
> far from zero.
> Pressing the button would train the message as ham and keep it in the
> current folder.
> 2) In the Spam folder, there could be a second button for
> "Train As Spam"
> for messages that have scores too far from 100%.  Pressing
> the button would
> train on the message as spam and keep it in the Spam folder.
> It's more complicated than we now have, but it's simpler than
> moving the
> message to the Unsure folder, then having to press either
> "Delete As Spam"
> (not too bad) or "Recover From Spam" (totally confusing,
> since the message
> was not classified as spam).  This way, we would always have
> two buttons
> visible in every folder, but the name of the second button
> would change with
> the context.  I know that this makes the code more
> complicated, but it makes
> sense from the user standpoint.
> I suppose at this point someone will point out that if I
> think this is such
> a cool idea, why don't I just code it up myself.  Good point,
> this is open
> source.  But let me remind you, I'm a long-time hardware guy
> (and a good
> one!) ... think about that a half dozen times or so before
> suggesting that I
> program anything in any language besides English or VHDL.  Be
> careful, you
> may get what you wish for.  State machines, transmission
> lines and analog
> circuits, no problem.  Object classes and encapsulation, I
> dunno.  Python?
> I'm afraid of snakes.
> --
> Seth Goodman
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