[spambayes-dev] cant live without xmlrpcserver

Toby Dickenson tdickenson at geminidataloggers.com
Thu Mar 25 04:16:48 EST 2004

On Thursday 25 March 2004 02:02, Phillip J. Eby wrote:

> Have you considered ReadyExec?
> It's a C client and a Python library for running more-or-less arbitrary
> Python programs as daemons, using Unix-domain sockets.  It doesn't
> automatically start the daemon, but you might be able to add
> that.  Meanwhile, the C client is extremely small and should be quite
> fast.  The "protocol" is also simple and fast: stdin/stdout/stderr are
> handed to the daemon directly via OS-level file descriptor transfers, and
> only the command line arguments and environment are pumped over the socket,
> as netstrings.

Thats a good tip, thanks. It looks like a mature solution for the client 

> From: Toby Dickenson <tdickenson at geminidataloggers.com>

> > Ive just measured 778ms to classify a mail using sb_filter

Ive now got a prototype solution, all in python. I takes 849ms to start the 
daemon and classify the first email, but then only 95ms to classify any 
subsequent email that arrives before the server times out. With ReadyExec for 
the client process I should be able to reduce that further.

Code available on request.
Toby Dickenson

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