[spambayes-dev] Translate spambay? Compile procedure?

Kenny Pitt kennypitt at hotmail.com
Thu Mar 11 11:13:04 EST 2004

Dwukierunkowe Gadu Gadu na WAP-Administrator wrote:
>>> 2. what is the procedure to make installer?
>> You run the setup_all.py script in the windows/py2exe directory. 
>> This 
> I tried but...
> The following modules appear to be missing
> ['Entrian', 'MySQLdb', 'bsddb3', 'gdbm', 'psycopg',
> 'pywin.debugger.dbgcon', 'py
> win.dialogs', 'pywin.dialogs.list', 'resource', 'twisted',
> 'twisted.copyright',
> 'twisted.internet', 'twisted.internet.app', 'twisted.internet.defer',
> 'twisted.i
> nternet.protocol', 'twisted.protocols.imap4']

All normal. Those modules come from optional features, development-only
code, and other applications that are not used in the Windows installer.

Once you've run setup_all, however, you will need a copy of Inno Setup
to build the actual installer executable. You can get it here:


Just load the "spambayes.iss" file from the windows subdirectory into
Inno and compile the setup.

Kenny Pitt

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