[spambayes-dev] Train-to-Exhaustion in Outlook

Kenny Pitt kennypitt at hotmail.com
Mon Mar 8 09:43:22 EST 2004

Tony Meyer wrote:
>> Is there a way to force the Outlook addin to train on an
>> already-trained message without rebuilding the entire
>> database?
> Use Outlook to make a copy of the message, and train on that.  I'm
> pretty sure that that works.

That's what I thought, too, so that's exactly what I tried.  It may
depend on Outlook version, but in 2003 it didn't seem to work.

I have a Possible Spam folder in my main PST file, and a separate PST
file containing one collection of all messages I have received and
another of all messages that I have trained on.  I tried copying
messages from both collections in the separate PST file back to my
Possible Spam folder and training them, but SpamBayes always reported
that the message had already been trained.

I'll play with some other combinations such as making copies within the
same PST file and see if I get any different results.

Kenny Pitt

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