[spambayes-dev] Re: Problem with 1.0a9 Windows installer?

Tony Meyer tameyer at ihug.co.nz
Wed Feb 18 20:26:43 EST 2004

> From what I have found in the code, setting pythoncom.frozen = True
> seems to be safe.  It would be interesting to know the values 
> of sys.frozen and pythoncom.frozen (if any) before.

sys.frozen is 1, pythoncom.frozen is 0 (here, and for Kenny, because his
print wouldn't have executed if bool(sys.frozen) wasn't True).

> I wanted to make a bugfix release of py2exe - although this 
> fixes different bugs (I assume).  If there's a problem with 
> COM registration I would like to wait until this is resolved.

I think this is pretty specific to SpamBayes (and those like me that copy it
<wink>).  Surely there aren't many people around who are using this "pretend
the exe is a dll" hack.  Without that, all seems to be ok.

OTOH, there have been three recent reports of this problem:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "addin.pyc", line 1191, in OnConnection
  File "manager.pyc", line 908, in GetManager
  File "manager.pyc", line 344, in __init__
  File "manager.pyc", line 492, in LocateDataDirectory
  File "win32com\shell\shell.pyc", line 9, in ?
  File "win32com\shell\shell.pyc", line 7, in __load
ImportError: DLL load failed: A device attached to the system is not

(Install goes fine, opening Outlook results in this).  This looks like it is
some sort of COM registration problem, but I don't know if it's with
SpamBayes, win32com, or py2exe (I don't suppose your other bugfixes are for
this? <wink>).

One of the reporters has the same Windows version & Outlook version as me,
and it works fine here, so it doesn't appear to be a result of that.  I do
have lots of python dlls scattered about the place, of course.

=Tony Meyer

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