[spambayes-dev] Mozilla SpamBayes "porting"

Neil Schemenauer nas-spambayes at python.ca
Wed Feb 18 17:40:56 EST 2004

On Wed, Feb 18, 2004 at 05:21:39PM -0500, Miguel wrote:
> Sorry for the semi-offtopic post, but any help will be very
> apreciated.

I think it's on topic.

> My testing is showing huge improvements in the fn rates, but a big
> deterioration in the fp rates. For example, in a test with a 3,741
> email corpus we got:
> original - fn:206 fp:0
> chi2 patch - fn:63 fp:11

It would be helpful to have score distribution data.  That would
tell you if the rates could be improved by using different cutoffs.
Also, it might give clues as to where the problem is.

You can see some example plots here:




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