[spambayes-dev] Problem with 1.0a9 Windows installer?

Kenny Pitt kennypitt at hotmail.com
Wed Feb 11 15:16:35 EST 2004

Kenny Pitt wrote:
> ...  I did a regsvr32 on
> the installed outlook_addin.dll and SpamBayes worked again after
> restarting Outlook. 
> It looks like we may have a problem in the installer with registering
> the addin properly.  My initial guess is that the Outlook Add-in
> registry entries are getting set, but the COM object itself isn't
> getting registered.

OK, I've taken a look and it appears that registering the addin using
the outlook_addin_register executable during install does two things
differently than registering the addin DLL directly with regsvr32:

* outlook_addin_register sets the DLL path in InprocServer32 to
"pythoncom23.dll", while regsvr32 sets it to
* outlook_addin_register does not create the PythonCOMPath key

Kenny Pitt

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