[spambayes-dev] New release

Kenny Pitt kennypitt at hotmail.com
Thu Feb 5 10:28:26 EST 2004

Mark Hammond wrote:
>> In the meantime, I just checked in some basic cleanup to Version.py
>> to 
> Sounds good to me.  Let's leave things for this release, and have a
> quick discussion about your ideas all ready for the next one.  There
> isn't really anything in the current scheme I am attached to, so I
> doubt it will be controversial :)

POP3 Proxy, IMAP Filter, and IMAP Server have a separate
InterfaceVersion.  Most users won't differentiate between an app and its
user interface, so do we really need a separate version for the UI?  For
apps that check for the latest version we only compare Version (or
BinaryVersion), so we would need to bump that up anyway if we wanted
users to be notified of the update.

If noone is opposed, this is another quick cleanup we could make before
the release that would probably simplify things for the future.

Kenny Pitt

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