[spambayes-dev] Deprecated options

Kenny Pitt kennypitt at hotmail.com
Tue Aug 3 16:13:58 CEST 2004

Tony Meyer wrote:
> Given that CVS HEAD is now working towards 1.1 and we have the safe
> 1.0 release branch, would anyone mind if I ripped out all the options
> & associated code (three options, two code) that are marked as
> deprecated? The users have had plenty of warning, and it seems
> unlikely that anyone is using them anyway.   
> The relevant options are:
> [Classifier] x-experimental_ham_spam_imbalance_adjustment - the code
> for this is gone already; it's just the option that's left.
> [Tokenizer] x-extract_dow
> [Tokenizer] x-generate_time_buckets

+1 here.

> I'm interested in up/de-grading some of the experimental options,
> too.  I'd vote for: 
> [Classifier] x-use_bigrams - becomes a regular option (defaulting to
> False?)
> [Tokenizer] x-fancy_url_recognition - becomes a regular option
> (defaulting to True?)
> [Tokenizer] x-pick_apart_urls - no opinion, here.

I've been running with x-pick_apart_urls on for quite awhile and it seems to
have been fairly effective, but I haven't run cross-validation to compare
with and without the option.

> [Tokenizer] x-reduce_habeas_headers & [Tokenizer]
> x-search_for_habeas_headers - removed.  The habeas headers aren't
> used much, and are ofttimes spoofed, so these end up not being much
> use.
> [URLRetreiver] *.  Not sure as of yet.    

+1 on the experimentals as well.  I'm all for simplifying the options as
much as possible.

In the same vane, I wonder if there are some little-used options on the
configuration pages that might be better left for manual editing of the
config file to clean up the UI a little?

Kenny Pitt

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