[spambayes-dev] pop3proxy suggestion

Meyer, Tony T.A.Meyer at massey.ac.nz
Wed Sep 10 13:06:04 EDT 2003

> I'm starting to make the move from sb_filter to 
> sb_server+sb_upload.

Any particular reason why?  (Just curious.)

> It would be helpful to have the message score 
> displayed in the review pages so I can decide whether or not 
> to score a message.  I'd take a look at that myself, however 
> I have no idea where that bit of code is.  A quick glance in 
> a couple candidate files didn't reveal its location.  

In ProxyUI.py, in the _appendMessages() function.  For example, line 268
            row.classify.href="showclues?key=%s&subject=%s" % (key,
This modifies the "Show Clues" link at the end of each row to point to
that particular message.  You may also need to alter the
resources/ui.html file to make a space for it.

Where are you thinking of putting the score?  In a column of it's own?
After the 'show clues' link?  If you describe what you want, I can add
it for you easily enough.

=Tony Meyer

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