[spambayes-dev] Setting up a new account

Meyer, Tony T.A.Meyer at massey.ac.nz
Fri Oct 3 01:57:26 EDT 2003

> > run "sb_imapfilter.py -b", which should open a web
> > page to <http://localhost:8880>,
> In fact, I'm not convinced that it 
> should start a browser in the first place.

It's just the "-b" that's telling it to start a browser; if you run it
without, then you just get the interface and have to open the browser
yourself.  However, imapfilter currently requires you to use -c, -t, or
-b (or more than one), unlike sb_server, which works without anything.
Given that there are apparently problems with forcing the browser to
open, I'll change this so that running sb_imapfilter.py by itself is
just like sb_server.py by itself, serving the interface.

=Tony Meyer

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